Om Canik Tobaksfrön
Canik Tobaksfrön is a strain of Samsun tobacco grown in the Black Sea region of Turkey. It is a columnar plant growing 4′-5′ in height producing up to 25-30 leaves. The leaves are 7″ to 8″ wide and 14″ to 16″ in length, and cure to a light reddish gold color. It yields about 2 oz per plant. Nicotine content ranges from 1.25% to 1.40%. Matures in 50-55 days. Requires a plant spacing of only 12-16 inches.
Canik has a mild, sweet and spicy taste. It has a sugar content of 7-8%. Because of this, Canik is considered as one of the most fragrant tobacco strains in the world. It is used in high end cigarette blends, and in cigar and pipe blends to make them sweet and aromatic.
Förpackningen innehåller minst 50 stycken tobaksfrön.
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