Corojo 99 Tobaksfrön
Corojo 99 is a strong, full flavored tobacco. If you like robust flavors, this one is for you! Dried leafs are deep mahogany reddish brown in colour. It comes with a malty sweetness with notes of cedar, nutmeg and white and black pepper. The smoke is thick, full bodied, earthy and smooth.
The 1940s Corojo was a tremendous success for cigar construction and is one of the tobacco leaves of legend. Because of its poor resistance to pest and mold, and inefficacy, it failed. Criollo 98 and Corojo 99 are the most similar hybrid varieties to thrive, now transplanted onto Latin American soil and island nations like the Dominican Republic.
Förpackningen innehåller minst 50 stycken tobaksfrön.
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