Om Galickii Tobaksfrön
Galickii Tobaksfrön is a Russian cigar tobacco suitable for use as a cigar wrapper. It grows to a height of 8′ or more in a columnar form producing 26-30 leaves per plant below the crows foot. Leaves are 16″ to 18″ wide and 24″ to 28″ in length. The leaves ripen from the bottom up as it reaches maturity in 70-80 days and are best primed as they ripen, It air cures to a reddish brown. Galickii has its own interesting and individual aroma and taste. Chemistry: nicotine – 1.3%, carbohydrates – 3,5%, protein – 4.5%.
Förpackningen innehåller minst 50 stycken tobaksfrön.
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