Om Moldovian 456 Tobaksfrön
Moldovian 456 is a tall stand up variety with a growth habit similar to TN 90 or Burley 21. It grows to 7′ in height, and is a heavy producer with plants having from 34 to 40 leaves below the crows foot. It produces a heavy leaf averaging 16″ wide by 25″ in length. The upturned leaves close up tight to the stalk at dusk. Moldovian 456 has good wind resistance and is much more resistant to tipping than other tall burleys we have grown. The plants shed water well during heavy rains and dry quickly helping to preventing mildew growth in humid areas.
Suckering is very low, with most plants producing none before flowering. The plants reach full maturity and began to bloom at 75-80 days. Leaves began to ripen two weeks or more before reaching bloom, making the entire plant harvestable in about 90 days from transplanting. Moldovan 456 cures easily to a bright yellow/brown and is an excellent plant for either priming or stalk curing. It has yields of 6-7 oz of dried leaf per plant, with a nicotine content of 2.2%. It is an excellent plant for making cigarette or pipe blends.
It’s uniformity, low suckering, plant form, ease of curing, and heavy production give it excellent potential as a commercial crop rivaling varieties like TN 90 and KY 17. Moldovan 456 is one of the most impressive tobaccos we have ever grown.
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