Om Pennbel 69 Tobaksfrön
Pennbel 69 is a heirloom Maryland type 41 broadleaf air-cured tobacco. Maryland tobaccos are similar to burley, but somewhat milder and lighter in taste and low in carbohydrates and nicotine. Pennbel 69 is grown and air cured for cigarettes, pipe, cigar filler and chewing tobacco. It grows 5′ to 6′ in height in a pyramidal shape that stands up well to inclement weather and wind. The leaves are large and can get up to 20″ in width and 32″to 34″ in length or more. Maturity is in 65-70 days. It is usually stalk harvested and air cures to a medium reddish brown color.
Förpackningen innehåller minst 50 stycken tobaksfrön.
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