Om Piloto Cubano Tobaksfrön
After the 1959 Revolution in Cuba, some farmers moved to the Dominican Republic, bringing along some “Tabaco Negro Cubano” seeds together with its cultivation and cure techniques; this species is divided into 2 main families: Criollo and Corojo, which later resulted in many hybridisations still used nowadays for the manufacturing of Cuban Cigars such as: Criollo 98, Corojo 99, Habana 92 and Habana 2000. Piloto Cubano is named after its city of origin in Cuba, i.e. Pilotos in the Pinar del Rio Region. It began to spread across the Dominican Republic in 1960, where farmers found the ideal soil and climatic conditions for growing this variety, which is regarded as the “Forefather” of the Havanensis family grown outside its land of origin. Piloto Cubano is included in the Dark Air-Cured class. The tobaccos belonging to this class are used for the manufacturing of cigars, are air-cured and are subjected to a fermentation process which gives their leaves a very dark colour and strong aromatic scents. The Piloto Cubano we selected is a Sun-Grown-Filler, namely a tobacco grown in the sun and used as a filler in the manufacturing of cigars.
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