Om Trabzon Tobaksfrön
Trabzon is an Aromatic Oriental variety from the Trabzon region of Turkey on the black sea. It is a basibali type resembling Samsun, but coarser and stronger. It grows 4′-5′ in height and reaches bloom in 45 days. HEAVY PRODUCER! Trabzon leaves are among the largest of the oriental strains in Turkey at 10″-12″ wide and up to 22″ in length. Cured leaf is fine textured and elastic with a reddish color. It is strong tasting but has a mild aroma. Tastes Best Sun Cured. No Additional Fermentation is necessary. Leaf texture is fine and elastic. Leaf colors are bright and varies from red, copper-red to dark-red. Trabzon gives blends a good color and strenght. Trabzon have a nicotine content about 3.5 to 3.85% and a sugar content of 2-4% (low). Nicotine content of Trabzon is increased consciously by selection. Because at those days strong oriental blends are popular. They have a strong smoke and neutral aroma.Fresh 2020 harvest! Blending Trabzon with Virginia and Burley tobacco creates excellent strong cigarette with unique flavor. 50-65 days from transplant for leaf production. Annual.
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