Om Xanthy Tobaksfrön
Xanthy is considered to be one of the best varieties of Balkan tobaccos. Xanthi tobacco is a grade of Basma. It has the same outstanding qualities as Basma and the same variety of color. This oriental tobacco with low nicotine content is native to the northeastern Greek region of Xanthi. The leaves are rich in essential oils, which are responsible for their own flavor and slow burn. It is used as a pipe tobacco alone, or in blends. It has a very strong but pleasant aroma. Xanthy grows to a height of 4 1/2′ to 5′ and matures in 50 days. Leaves average 8″ x 16″, are a light green turning yellow along the veins when ripe.
Förpackningen innehåller minst 50 stycken tobaksfrön.
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